Write for Us : Cultivate Creativity

Are you passionate about topics related to CRM, RevOps, Cloud Telephony, Sales Automation, and have a knack for crafting compelling content? If so, we invite you to contribute your expertise to Corefactors.

About Corefactors

Corefactors leads the RevOps revolution, merging sales, marketing, and customer service for revenue growth. As a top CRM software provider, we optimize customer interactions and streamline sales processes.

Our suite includes CRM, marketing automation, and sales tools, empowering businesses to enhance client relationships and productivity. Join us, share insights, shape the future of RevOps and CRM.

Our Mission

Our mission is to shape the future of sales by empowering every B2B sales professional to work efficiently and smarter. We believe in creating valuable, evergreen content that helps individuals and businesses thrive in the dynamic world of marketing and sales.

Why Write for Us?

Corefactors - Exposure


When you write for us, your insights reach a vast audience of CRM professionals, RevOps leaders, Marketing Automation enthusiasts, Sales Automation experts, and Tech afficionados.

Corefactors - Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership

Establish yourself as an authority in your field by sharing your knowledge, experiences, and innovative ideas.

Corefactors - Educate and Inform

Educate and Inform

Share valuable knowledge and help others succeed in their careers.

Corefactors - Amplify Your Reach

Amplify Your Reach

Your insights reach a broad global audience

Corefactors - Showcase Expertise

Showcase Expertise

Demonstrate your expertise in Revops, sales automation, and CRM solutions.

Corefactors - Leave a Lasting Impact

Leave a Lasting Impact

Your contribuitons become evergreen resources for future readers.

What We're Looking For?

We invite you to be a part of our mission by contributing your expertise to the "Corefactors Knowledge Base."

We are on the lookout for real-world stories, lessons learned, and actionable ideas that can drive success in sales, marketing, and customer relations. We encourage engaging content that sparks discussion among our readers.

Content Guidelines

To maintain the high standard of Corefactors, we have a few guidelines for your contribution:


Your content should revolve around CRM, RevOps, Marketing Automation, Sales Automation, or other technologies that we offer.


We only accept original content that hasn't been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is a no-go. Please make sure to check your content before submitting it for review!


Exceptional writing skills are a must. Craft your piece with precision and clarity. Content should be easy to read and I recommend using Grammarly for rectifying grammatical errors.


Make sure to do keyword research before pitching us the topic. We only accept topics that are well-researched and have the potential to resonate with our audience.


Create content that gets people talking with your expertise. Use your knowledge to keep readers interested and involved in meaningful conversations.

How to Submit your article

Join us on a journey of creativity and innovation :
Where your words mold the future!



Send us a brief pitch outlining your idea and its relevane to CRM, RevOps, Marketing Automation, Sales Automation, or other services we offer.



Once your pitch is accepted, craft your masterpiece. Aim for a word cound of 1000-1500 words. Ensure your content is original and has not been published elsewhere. Keep only 1 external link in the article.


Formatting and Style

Use proper formatting with headings, subheadings and bullet points to enhance readability. Proofread your work for grammar and spelling errors.


Include Visuals

If revelant, include images, charts, or graphs to support your content. Featured image is a must.



Send your pitch to us with collaboration details in the forum below!

Our Editorial Process : What You Can Expect

After the initial review process, your article may take up to one week to be published on our platform. This time frame allows us to ensure that your content aligns with our standards and is optimized for our audience before it goes live.

Note:Please be aware that all editorial control, including the potential rewriting of sections, rests with Corefactors. Our goal is to maintain consistency, quality, and alignment with our content standards while respecting the expertise and insights you bring to the table.

Are you ready your mark on the world of CRM and technology? We look forward to receiving your contributions.

By submitting, you accept the Terms of Service.